10 Secrets to using THE VISIBLE YOU to create influence and build your brand

Of all the skills that you can use as a public speaker, the visual language you use is as important as any.
Actress Mae West once said, “I speak two languages, Body and English.”
From job interviews to high stakes pitches, your audiences are judging you and your brand according to what they see.  The way you look, move and communicate visually can make or break your presentation.  The way you look, THE VISIBLE YOU is hugely important to your success, because it drives you audience’s physical and subconscious responses to you just as much as your words do.
Are you too focussed on delivering information when you speak?
It’s a natural tendency.  When we are creating a speech or presentation, it’s natural to start with the words.  When I speak to clients, their most-raised concerns are about what to say.
And yet the number one visual aid that you use on stage is not PowerPoint , a flip chart or a whiteboard but you, THE VISIBLE YOU.
One of the skills a speaker learns is to look down on themselves, as they speak, figuratively, and to be aware of their body and what it is doing, what it looks like and how in alignment it is with their message.
Otherwise, many speakers end up saying one thing with their words and another thing with their bodies!
Show us what you mean.  And you cannot do that standing still, reading notes and holding the lectern!
Even if we can move away from the lectern, and lose the notes, it is very difficult to hold an open, relaxed, confident body language and movement when what we all instinctively want to do is to self-protect, withdraw to safety.
So rehearsal and practice become necessary until the movement, gestures and body language become natural and can be called on, and body awareness becomes natural..

This Pivotal Tips Package is this month’s free resource from the Pivotal Rewards library.
It consists of ten tips with the information that you need to build your body language, gestures, image and stage movement into a natural, confident presence that support your influence and brand.
Do join the Pivotal Rewards library now, it’s free.  Just 4 steps, and you can access the first message …
1.  Enter your details.
2.  You will be sent an email that directs you to create a password so you can access this and all the resources, freebies and discounts there.
3.  Log in to access your resources, and scroll down to the image you have seen here (above) of the Ten Secrets package.
4.  Fill in the form there (again, I know! I’m sorry but it lets me know you have received your membership and that you want the tips — that you want to present the best VISIBLE YOU when you speak.)

Members ….    Go straight to Step 3 and 4.  >>>  Log in here  >>>

Let me know if you have any difficulties.
Best wishes,